

Heat Stroke (3 July 2018)

Heat Stroke occurs when the body overheats and reaches an inner core temperature of 104 degrees or higher. It can attack fit, athletic young men and women who were pushing themselves to achieve a good time on the race. It can also happen when people spend a lot of time in the sun - in this case - people who will be prone to it are elderly and obese people.

 Every Tuesday on 
East Coast Drive with Bongani and Mags
between 16h40 & 16h50


Two Types of Heat Stroke (Exertional and Non-Exertional Heat Stroke)


There are two kinds of heat stroke: exertional, which is associated with vigorous physical activity, and non-exertional which can be caused by too much sun exposure (without being active).

Heat Stroke Symptoms

Whether heat stroke strikes while you're doing physical labor in the heat or simply sitting in the sun on an unusually hot day - the symptoms are mostly the same. These symptoms include a high body temperature, nausea, vomiting, rapid breathing, flushed skin, headache, a racing heart rate, confusion, agitation, slurred speech and irritability. Heat stroke can also lead to seizures and a coma.

What to Do for Heat Stroke?

Immediate heat stroke treatment involves cooling the victim's body as soon as he or she shows signs of distress. Dousing the person with cold water from a hose or putting him or her in a cold shower can be effective. Wrapping a heat stroke victim in cold towels is also a good measure. Cooling the body of a heat stroke victim is crucial to reduce damage to the person's brain and vital organs.